

Created by Dango

This is where you can pre-order our custom dice in a variety of colors and options. Hope you enjoy our latest design, and playing with these amazing, one-of-a-kind dice.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

WOW!!! Funded in 8 hours?! YES!
about 7 years ago – Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 08:31:06 PM

We literally can't believe this just happened!!!

Got funded in 8 hours, and almost reached our first stretch goal in the first 24 hours. So yes, things look good, and it all happened because of your support.

Both new and old backers, we want to say a sincere, grateful, from the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU!!!

None of this would have been possible without your help, that's a fact! So we feel the need to express our gratitude in some way:

This is where you get even more!

Since we got funded so fast, here is how we've updated in regards to your pledges. As you may, or may not know, kickstarter doesn't let creators modify already created pledges, but that's no reason for us not to give you more for your pledge.

So here is what you get for each pledge (updated version, live on the project page now)

As you can see, we've included CUBBLE Presentation boxes for most of the pledges, because they will ensure the safe travel of your packages even more. They're made of strong carton, and are small enough to be rigid a case.

That doesn't mean we won't appreciate and reward your shares on social media websites! There is a "box" list of people that is continually growing. We'll reward every backer that shares our project with a CUBBLE Presentation box.

Now if you have questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to send them via our facebook page here:

It's the best medium for us, and by liking our page you'll stay up to date with what we do, and even get a chance to sneak peak into future projects.

So if you haven't done that already, go ahead and like that page.

Thanks again!

Best wishes, 
Dango ♥️